IFSC Code of Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited, Mangalore – ABHY0065306

Are you searching for the IFSC Code and Contact Number of “Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited, Mangalore“? Below are all the details of this bank.

Bank Name : Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited
Full Address : Shop No. 4, Janvi Plaza, Near Bunts Hostel, Karanglapady, Mangalore-575003
Branch : Mangalore
IFSC Code : ABHY0065306
City 1 : Mangalore
District : Dakshina Kannada
State Name : Karnataka
STD Code : 820
Branch Phone No. : 2423067
MICR Code : Not Provided
Branch Code : 065306

(Information Provided by: MoneyFlex Cheque Printing Software)

What is the Format of Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited IFSC Code ABHY0065306

The IFSC code for all accounts within the same branch of a bank is standardized and consists of 11 alphanumeric characters.
    • The initial four letters of the code, for example: “IBKL,” indicate the bank’s name, which is Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited in the above case.
    • The fifth character is “0” which you can consider as separate.
    • The last six digits of the code, for example: “065017,” signify the specific branch. like Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited in the above case.

Benefits / Advantages of IFSC Code

    • Unique Identification: The IFSC code facilitates the unique identification of all banks and their branches.
    • Seamless Fund Transfer: With the IFSC code, transferring funds between bank accounts becomes convenient and hassle-free.
    • Transaction Monitoring: The RBI utilizes the IFSC code to monitor bank transactions, reducing the likelihood of discrepancies.

How to find the Bank IFSC Code?

    • On Cheque Leaf and Bank Passbook: The IFSC code can typically be found on the cheque leaf or the bank passbook of the respective bank.
    • Reserve Bank of India’s Website: A list of IFSC codes for banks and their branches can be obtained from the Reserve Bank of India’s website.
    • Bank’s Official Website: The IFSC code for a specific bank branch can also be found on the official website of the bank.

What is the Branch Code of IDBI Bank?

The IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) code “ABHY0065306” belongs to Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited. The branch code is the last six digits of the IFSC code, which in this case is “065306.” Therefore, the branch code for this bank is “065306.”  


Note: All the details about IFSC Codes of Banks, their contact numbers, and other information are provided for your knowledge only. MoneyFlex collects this information from reliable sources and tries to give accurate data. MoneyFlex is not liable for any mistakes and won’t be responsible for any loss or damage from using this information. By using this information, you agree that it’s your choice and risk.

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